Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pray for Xiao

My friend, Xiao (pronounced like shower, without the “er”), has a brain tumor.

The Church met tonight to anoint him with oil, lay hands on him in prayer, and believe God for his healing. Xiao is from China. The prayers tonight, both English and Chinese, reminded me that indeed we are all one Body, we share the same Spirit, and we serve one God …the Most High God, the God who heals. How powerful, the voices of the saints, lifted to the Father on the behalf of His servant, Xiao. Alleluiah.

Pray for Xiao. Pray in faith. Spread the word.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

mom, i've been praying for xiao every time i think of him. keep us posted.

by the way, sweet blog site! you're a savvy granny.