Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good Stuff

Sometimes my soul feels like a hard little dried up pebble deep down somewhere in my being. I have felt like that a lot lately. But sometimes it feels restored, moisturized, breathing, whole. I am convinced that the difference lies in embracing Psalm 20:7, "Some trust in chariots, some trust in horses, but we trust in the Name of the Lord our God."

I needed to find this little poem that Patsy Thacker gave me in college, so i started searching for it last night at 11:00. I could see in my mind the little piece of paper in her handwriting that she had torn out of a spiral notebook and i could almost remember all the words on it...but not quite. But I needed them. So I googled the phrases i could remember, and even the author, and got nothing. So i kept looking. Duane found me sitting on the bed going through my "box" , you know, the one with all the little poems and cartoons and letters and things i tore out of magazines years ago in it. It was well after midnight that i found it -- guess where? Not in my box, but filed in the file cabinet under "poems". Imagine that!

So here it is. Hopefully you can understand why i needed to find it.

Who could ask for more,
than to sit with You
in eternity
splashing like the happy laughter of a child
upon the parched sahara of yesterday
then drawing lovely whispers from the past
for a thousand years
some afternoon?

D.L. Purdy