April 8, 2008
So when Ashley was five, she went to a wedding with me because I told her they would have cake. She wiggled and fidgeted and squirmed a good part of the ceremony until she finally turned to me and whispered, “At MY wedding, we’re having the cake FIRST!” Imagine my surprise when we entered the church last Saturday and the girls in the house party were handing out programs and little containers of cake!
It’s hard for a parent to put into words, but after 27 years of praying for this day…it only seemed “right”. It was a covenant – it was simple, it was prayerful, it was worship, it was celebration. In the middle of the service, Nick picked up Ashley’s hands and gently kissed them. They wrote their own vows and promised each other, “I will never leave.” The “wedding feast” followed the covenant ceremony, and as Ashley danced with her dad she also wiped the tears from his eyes.
The wedding is over, and the marriage has just begun. God has been both gracious and merciful to us, and we rejoice!
For a sneak preview of more wedding pictures, go to http://nicklovesashley.com/