Saturday, January 20, 2007

my personal mission statement

It's kind of boring around Houston today-- cloudy, damp, and cold for the umpteenth day running. So i thought i'd try adding something to my blog. I wrote this mission statement around 1999 or 2000. A lot has changed in my life since then-- empty nest, kids are grown, have a grandbaby-- but my goals are steadfast and hopefully in the process of being accomplished! I guess i need to add a grandchildren part...

My Personal Mission Statement
My heart...
"Will you love Jesus more, when we go our different ways? When this moment is a memory, will you remember HIS face? Will you look back and realize you sensed His love more than you did before? I pray for nothing less, than for you to love Jesus more."
My desire is to know Christ and the power of His Resurrection in every role in my life. To walk with Him intimately as He guides me to fulfill His purpose for me in every role of my life, both now and in the future throughout the changing dynamics of these roles.
For my husband: To love, honor and encourage Duane. To have a marriage that represents the wholeness and oneness of Christ to the world. To communicate openly and respect each other unconditionally. To live happily ever after.
For my children: To disciple my children. To raise godly children and prepare them for independent living in a world that is not their home and shares not their values. To stand on the sidelines and cheer enthusiastically whether they win the race or not. To love them each the best and to help develop within them the creative and unique individual God has designed them to be. And to ultimately move from parent to friend.
For my home: To make my home a haven. A place of ministry. To let even my garden reflect the wonderful things He has made!
For my friends/other family: To laugh with those who laugh. To weep with those who weep. To play together. To be held trustworthy. To know and live out this truth-- that i would be the poorer without them...good, dear, life-enriching friends. To live out my important relationships with no regrets.
For my ministry: To share my passion for preschool and family ministry through writing and speaking, nurturing teachers and parents, and people of like passion. To reproduce myself in mentoring and discipleship relationships.